Registrations have closed.

गणेशोत्सव २०२२ च्या यशस्वी आयोजनानंतर MMOSF घेवून येते आहे आपल्या सर्वांच्या आवडीचे कोजागिरी celebration on the beach!
Sunday, Oct 9,2022
5 PM onwards.
This is a prepaid event only. (Sunday has been finalized since the Kojagiri is on this day and also there is a IRCC Garba event on Saturday evening which is attended by many of our members)
Any questions? Contact: Manjusha@813 842 8563
Team MMOSF 2022-2023.
Venue: Deerfield Beach Tents near the beach Promenade
Pay by Zelle via (Please make sure to add your email address in the ‘zelle’ memo section for future communication)
OR online by Paypal (Not available now)